Hello blog, I've been a bad blog mommy and neglected you so. Unfortunately sometimes we go through phases where nothing we eat is exciting or fun, or we get really lazy and eat out a lot. But...SUMMER'S HERE!!! and that means lots and lots of stands at the farmers market full of delicious produce and more.
I love, love, love the farmers market. We're lucky because we have a huge farmers market here in Syracuse with a wide variety of food. Not only can you fill your bags with fresh locally grown produce, but you can buy organic grass-fed meats, delicious cheeses, and now much to our delight, freshly roasted fair trade coffee beans.
Steve and I are working really hard to try and do as much of our shopping at the farmers market. After watching
Food Inc
, and reading
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
by Michael Pollan, I've really had to rethink my relationship with food and my duty as an inhabitant of this planet. It really is so important to try and eat locally and organic. The impact that industrialized food has on your body and on the earth is not worth the cheap prices or "delicious" taste that they supply. I know fast food is easy, so are microwave dinners and other prepacked meals. It's also certainly cheaper to buy industry food, but, BUT, think about it. The nutrients in industrialized are so lacking compared to naturally grown food that you have to eat so much more of it. So yes, organic food may cost more, but you will have to eat less, and you will probably enjoy it much much more. Okay I won't go on and on, but I urge you to read more about it and educate yourself about the food that goes into your body and the impact it may have on our planet.

Okay moving on, like I was saying about the farmers market, I LOVE IT. We got great stuff this week including cherries and rhubarb. It just so happens that its gloomy and rainy today which means it's perfect baking weather.
Soooo I was browsing around on
tastespotting.com like I often do and I saw a post for Cherry Clafoutis. Well that particular recipe called for ingredients I didn't have, but after looking further I found this recipe from "
Fork Spoon Knife" that seemed perfect. I wanted to include some rhubarb into it so I followed the recipe exactly except threw in about 3 stalks of rhubarb.
It turned out really good, but somewhat tart. I think next time to compensate for the rhubarb I added, I would maybe double the amount of sugar. Otherwise this was quick easy and delicious.
I just made my first Clafouti yesterday! I found the recipe HERE. I substituted apples due to cost and added some Apple Pie spice. It turned out wonderful.
I was looking up Clafouti on Wikipedia and it said "When other kinds of fruit are used instead of cherries, the dish is properly called a flaugnarde". It seems they labelled the pear clafouti wrongly! I find it all so interesting...such seemingly impressive names for a rather simple rustic dish! So yummy! Next I will try a blackberry one...I just adore them! Yours with rubarb added looks devine...I would like to try it as well. I haven't had rubarb in ages (my Grandma used to make pies).
Take care!
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